Thursday, October 30, 2008

hahaha! So its my first time to club today. Thanks ZHANG for telling me about it. So as usual picked up all my buddies drove to maxwell market parked there, displayed a fake coupon. And the girls in the club is really omg, way to beautiful. Was asked by friend to dance with them but I was shy LOL, first time ma boh pian. After a few more times once I get used to it then I think thats the time I can really enjoy to the max. Met 3 friends at the club, they are really funny people. They claim that they were 15, but seriously they don't look like. Left the club at around 1am closing to 2am. Was too tired and bored, there were like too little girls so its kinda bored. Slack at maxwell market for awhile till we pick up ZHANG and her gang. And again the roadblock fear is back, there was like 8 people in the car including me. And that was illegal coz my car can only take up to a maximum of 7. Drove to changi village for supper. was travelling at around 100lm/h - 110km/h that was abit fast for me. I was like all along below 80km/h. I have to admit after the club i'm abit high LOL. After dropping the pasir ris gang off. I then head on to seletar to drop alvin(korean dude I know from the club) off then things start to happen there, it started to rain a lil and the winds start blowing, the roads were empty and dark, leafs flying around and i think i ran over a dead bird. Then slyvia(a girl i know from the club too) lols started saying those eerie stuffs. Then was like abit scared la. Then we took a hard time going out to the main road from the korean dude's house. After awhile still manage to reach ang mo kio. Was quite familar with ang mo kio cuz i learnt driving there. Then slyvia said street 61 then was like very familar oso(one of the SSDC test route) but i dun dare cfm so better listen to her instructions, and she was like instructing a TAXI DRIVER. lol. After i drop em off it started to rain again, was like driving 50km/h until i reach home. sian 1/2. Afterall is fun la. Talk cock sing song.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

omg man, I discovered a new world today. Going to pub areas during the wee hours is fun man! Freeshows everywhere. People get drunk and do many funny things. Encountered 1 today when a girl was drunk and she lying on the ground. Whats more? she is wearing a skirt. Need I say more? LOL. Well that invite hell lots of spectators. And I found myself a clubbing kaki :D. Most Importantly, make new friends. Nothing much except some sheesha at haji lane and 100km/h on expressway. There were like so many babes around usually around 8pm to 10pm. coz dey needa go home early if not cab is gonna cost a bomb. *****<<<>>>>***** hahahahahahahas. Happy sia. Nxt up i am gonna go clubbing! And go around "treating drinks". Are girls really so open in clubs?

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Have already got my driving license, have already got a car, but theres still something missing. And thats the special you.