Saturday, September 20, 2008

9 More damn days to my FORTH attempt TP test.

Despite driving around for so many times from place to place. I still have some phobia on ang mo kio roads for as I failed 3 times there. I really do hope this time round I won't be so nervous and do stupid things on my test. Its like damn lame to fail this time, I've been driving both big car(SUV) and Van(manual) to many places. Places where road conditions are 4273726372 times more severe than ang mo kio roads. I used to think that time may affect my test but now I aint gonna care anymore. I have been driving on expressway during peak hours. I used to fear alot on lane changing. But now...............LOL issn't that ABC?

I hereby declare myself ---> more than "L" plate but less than "P" plate. AND I GONNA PASS THIS TIME.

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