Monday, November 23, 2009

Its been a week. Normally cases like this I would take 1-3 days to forget. But till now I still can't forget you. This is good news and bad news. The good news is I really love you. Initially I thought is was just a crush. A short liking. But not being able to forget you within 1-3 days shows something else. In my 19 years 8 mths of life I've never love a girl as much as I love you. The most serious thing is we have already zero contact with each other and I still can't forget you. Im not trying to bullshit here cuz I don't think this will change anything either. But just to let you know that I have been dreaming bout you when I sleep for straight 7 nights. They say time will heal, but it seems like time is making me love you more. The bad news is what can I do? All I can do is bluff myself that you are somehow kidnapped and I hope 1 day I will find you.

But one thing, if Im really in love with you, there's nothing on earth you can do to make me forget you.

So now let time tell.

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