Currently very high after an off road trip. Recently I found an off road track beside TP and didn't have a chance to check it out due to timing problems. These kinda places can only be explored at night, as there are many eyes during day time. So im curious whats in there, and so I went in just now with yh. Quite a long trail that covered half of the perimeter of TP. The mud holes are deep and chances of my vehicle getting stuck and damaged is quite high, but thats part of off roading lols. After exploring for awhile we discovered a part of the track with very thick muds. And I was like "shall we go in? what if we get stuck?" then yh gave me the confidence and so I gain some speed and ran over it. That kind of feeling is really shoik, the car skid left and right and you can feel that its very slippery. You gotta experience it to understand what im talking about. On our way out something really scare the hell outta me. Theres a police car passing by, and if he were to approach me I can't really explain myself. Cuz im not suppose to be in that "trail" at all. But who cares? off roading is all about taking risk. You got stuck, you gotta find everyway to get out.
Next stop, we went into some random heavy vehicle carpark and decided to do some curb climbing, and its like the curb is so tall that if i climb it my car is sure gotta get some damage. But again its off roading =D. So i engage the 4 wheel drive on my vehicle and started climbing the curb. Initially was find then after a second there on loud "PIANG" and I was like "uh oh" lols! Went out of the vehicle and check and fortunately nothing was damage =)
Someone say me dota noob in fb, den juz now dunno who dun wanna help me in dota lor. dun wan say her name lor LOL!
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