Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Priceless Memories

Sent my sis to NTU today. The environment changes abit there but the memories didn't. 3 years ago I was working at a canteen there stripping tables apart and fixing them back after the parts were painted. I remember this day when I worked till quite late and was very shag as the job requires alot of physical efforts. Despite being half dead I still rush home to change and meet her for dinner......durian actually =D

These period of time is the most unforgettable as its the "hottest" period when I can't concentrate on work and texted her almost the whole day with my omnia2 flooded with her messages.

Its been 3 years.......I still can't find anyone like her to love. And btw she is the one who really taught me how to really love a girl.

Love the one who deserves, not the one who needed love.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Video of seperation @ phuket

Video of the incident where im seperated. This is for memorial purposes only, no one involved was at fault. 100% human error.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Ops Phuket Pictures (1)

Ops Phuket!


Before i start, whatever Im gonna type here is solely for my own personal memories only. As nowadays people are getting childish and giving me irrelevant comments on fb which really pisses me off and I really wanna have my own privacy therefore I prefer to say whatever I want here. If anyone happens to see this please be mature and not spread this around as it contains too many historical stuffs which I don't really hope anyone would know.

Phuket this time round was much more happening than the other one earier this year. More happening in terms of the activities I had. First day was just driving around looking around. 2nd day was when all the action starts. Jet ski and bikes! Spent close to 100SGD for 70mins of jet ski-ing and the feeling was just plain shoik-ness. Lock the throttle and there goes you flying over the waves! Got myself a fake tattoo but it was screwed becuz of the seawater! Returned to the resort for a quick shower and back out again to hunt for a bike. Was actually hoping to get a ducati but it seems like all were rented out so I rented a kawa z1000 instead. Went back to the resort to meet the girls and head to sweet lobster for a quick meal before moving off to big buddha. And this is when something really disappointing happened, I do not wish to talk about it any further but just one word "disappointed". Becuz of that i shut myself off for the night. As a soft hearted person I really regret doing it but..........nvm but please have some sense of urgency yea?

On the third day was still abit shut down in the morning till I re-rented a CBR1000 and the feeling was just SEX! Its my first time riding a sports bike and due to that I find it abit difficult to ride due to the body position. Rode to nai harn beach and its like nothing there so we decided to go back to patong beach where there is more action and while on the way there I decided to stop by for an ATV ride, the ride was awesome except its very tiring, the terrain was tough and you gotta choose a correct line to approach or u can go down the cliff with the atv. Next up was back to patong beach for another round of jet ski!

I seriously love the life in phuket! If i can lead this kinda life in SG I wouldn't even wanna bother going to clubs messing around with girls or do other stupid things.

One day I hope I will be able to bring my girlfriend/wife there to show her how good life can be over there other than the usual fucked up life in singapore!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Its been a week. Normally cases like this I would take 1-3 days to forget. But till now I still can't forget you. This is good news and bad news. The good news is I really love you. Initially I thought is was just a crush. A short liking. But not being able to forget you within 1-3 days shows something else. In my 19 years 8 mths of life I've never love a girl as much as I love you. The most serious thing is we have already zero contact with each other and I still can't forget you. Im not trying to bullshit here cuz I don't think this will change anything either. But just to let you know that I have been dreaming bout you when I sleep for straight 7 nights. They say time will heal, but it seems like time is making me love you more. The bad news is what can I do? All I can do is bluff myself that you are somehow kidnapped and I hope 1 day I will find you.

But one thing, if Im really in love with you, there's nothing on earth you can do to make me forget you.

So now let time tell.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Thats where the "PIANG" came out from but its as strong as me to take impacts

Price to pay for off roading = wash car

Currently very high after an off road trip. Recently I found an off road track beside TP and didn't have a chance to check it out due to timing problems. These kinda places can only be explored at night, as there are many eyes during day time. So im curious whats in there, and so I went in just now with yh. Quite a long trail that covered half of the perimeter of TP. The mud holes are deep and chances of my vehicle getting stuck and damaged is quite high, but thats part of off roading lols. After exploring for awhile we discovered a part of the track with very thick muds. And I was like "shall we go in? what if we get stuck?" then yh gave me the confidence and so I gain some speed and ran over it. That kind of feeling is really shoik, the car skid left and right and you can feel that its very slippery. You gotta experience it to understand what im talking about. On our way out something really scare the hell outta me. Theres a police car passing by, and if he were to approach me I can't really explain myself. Cuz im not suppose to be in that "trail" at all. But who cares? off roading is all about taking risk. You got stuck, you gotta find everyway to get out.

Next stop, we went into some random heavy vehicle carpark and decided to do some curb climbing, and its like the curb is so tall that if i climb it my car is sure gotta get some damage. But again its off roading =D. So i engage the 4 wheel drive on my vehicle and started climbing the curb. Initially was find then after a second there on loud "PIANG" and I was like "uh oh" lols! Went out of the vehicle and check and fortunately nothing was damage =)

Someone say me dota noob in fb, den juz now dunno who dun wanna help me in dota lor. dun wan say her name lor LOL!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Im sorry for all the rudeness. Its just that I really fall for you already otherwise I won't be that jealous. Im currently adjusting myself to get used to this kinda jealousy stuffs. Im already 100% into you so do forgive me if im jealous at times.