Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Ok, I made up my mind, I quit. Everyday I go there with a positive mind and someone out there will always screw me up, somehow someway. Sometimes I think about it and I get really pissed off. I was like whats the point of going? I got a feeling everyone there will somehow look down on me. This world is very materialistic, No Position No Talk. Similar with No Money No Talk. When I say this out, people will always deny. Some people just don't appreciate me going down, they thought that is because I owe them, then they will start to lecture me and stuffs. Like WTF? Lecture me?! Things I heard during the "interview" and "training" were SO VERY DIFFERENT from what is actually happening. Quitters Are Not Winners, Winners Are Not Quitters??!! Is this even a competition? Why is there about winning and losing? Everyday, were asked to make appointment with parents and relative. Reason being is to"Create Awareness" & "benefit" them. LMFAO ! ! ! If that is the case can I say "I buy flowers for her on valentines day coz is to let her know that I love her" then its like "don't I wish she will be mine?" You get what I mean? Something like that. I can't really explain well but I hope you will understand. So, fuck it yea? I aint going no more.

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