Friday, July 25, 2008

Whose fault is it? The one who talk like a fuck or the one who can't take the one who talk like fuck? I know I have been giving attitude, but what makes me do so? The forcing makes me do so. I understand that I did have some conflicts at home which makes me half boiled already. Coz of that I didn't plan to go down to office. Initially I planned to go cycling along east coast to sort of 'de-stress' but a phone call changed everything. So I was carrying the "forced to go down office" kind of mindset and you still talk to me with that kind of "attitude", you know it yourself. No one in my whole life talked to me like that. I can swear. Whats more? I apologised after that and get no reply. Like WTF?! And someone still expect me to go down to office. LOLS. I don't know I should let this matter rest or what. Its like you're indirectly declaring a war with me already.

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