Friday, April 18, 2008

Driving today was fun except it got screwed abit by some inconsiderate taxi drivers. I know by look at this situation as a passenger, I HOPE THE TAXI STOP FOR ME. But by looking at this situation with me as a driver behind the taxi, I HOPE HE DON"T FUCKING STOP TO PICK UP THE PASSENGER. Because by doing so, my way is blocked and I have to overtake him from the right and the traffic at that time was quite heavy. Every second counts during my driving lesson. 120 mins for 88 bucks. And I just completed subject 14/33 today, was very happy at first coz after subject 14 I get to have a lesson on Automatic Transmission Car which is 101% fun for me, coz I simply hate changing gear and depressing the clutch(on a manual car). Just as I was about to smile, the instructor told me that booking for an Automatic Transmission lesson was not that easy coz its always full. Shortest waiting time is 40 days, like WTF?! By as I reached home, I refresh the booking page online countless times just like getting into a full Maplestory Channel. 15mins later I got a slot on 21st April which is this coming monday. Was like "wow!" from 40days become 3 days? mc strike 4D.

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