Wednesday, September 5, 2007

'N' level english today was half hard half easy. Paper 1 was the most easy of all composition I ever had. Topic is "Write about a person who you admire very much and explain why this person is so special to you" When I first saw this question, I was like smiling to myself as this topic to me is fucking easy. Its like the story have been in my mind for quite some time already and I did not think much before I write. Whatever that is written came straight from my mind without thinking. Its like I can still remember exactly what I wrote in the paper. If you guys wanna know, send an email to me and I shall write the full story to you. Most importantly I really hope the examiner know what I mean. Well...for the others who don't understand, I don't care! BUT ! ! ! the examiner MUST understand. If the examiner don't understand, then I really had nothing much to say already.

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