Monday, December 31, 2007

I just realise I didn't go off road biking for very long already, my bike need serious upgrade too. The brake system was not as responsive as it used to be, tires grip sux too. I guess its time I prepare for the next race already. Was surfing the web for all sorts new equipment.
gonna get this helmet asap, I really got phobia on crashing. The aftermath of crashing is really scary, it has the feeling of dying. For a moment there is a shortness of breath, you can't breathe properly and you head is spinning inside. with the above helmet no such thing will happen, but the price is a fucking 300USD. But who cares? So long it can protect me then its alright lols.

wanna get this brake caliper too, it has got 6 piston compare to my 2 piston. And anyone knows what does floating disc rotor fucking mean?

Actually theres more, alot alot more. My fucking bike just issn't up to standard to go high speed during off roading. And coz of that i always lose in race.

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