Wednesday, December 26, 2007

You are sensitive and passionate, however somewhat unstable. You are attracted to strong voluptuous women. You can be extremely changeable, saying one thing to your lover and then turning around and doing exactly the opposite. You are very intuitive regarding acquaintances however quite blind to the defects of those you love. You love to go first class and will over extend yourself in order to shower your mate with expensive gifts.

Too real to believe? I never edit anything. Its found on

To the girl I confessed to:

Though the above seems real, it may only be an coincidence. Like I told you before I only love you. And you also told me before that one sided love won't last long so you clearly know that there are some things I have to forget. I already gave up once and the pain was too hard to endure and I can't bear the pain anymore to give up on you. So don't bother asking me to give up coz you know that I won't and that will only piss me off. I know sometimes I do have some attitude problem and the way I talk is rude, thats coz i care about you

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