Real busy
Woke up at 11, first thing I did was to check out my computer to see if my downloads for my psp game was done. Fortunately they were all done. Tried to squeece all the game to my pathetic 2GB memory stick. As expected it can't accomodate all my game.
Planned to go ride at tampines bike trail as to prepare for my race tomorrow. Thanks to the weather, my plan was screwed up.
Instead I brought my wheelset to a nearby bike shop for some changing of parts. While the man is changing the parts, I saw this very nice Cycle Computer but the price was even nice! $95.
Was considering for awhile as it was quite expensive for me. Called my dad and ask if it was fine if I get it and the reply was "yes". End up my mum paid for me.
Went to Cold Storage supermarket to get all the food I need for my race. Bought lots of cookies, chocolates, coffee etc.
Went back home had nothing to do, so I dig out my underwater video camera and had it all assembled and see if its still working. All were still working fine except the Light. Guess the bulb was blowed.
And I found a memory stick in my camera which has the pictures taken in 2004 Chinese New Year in Langkawi, Malaysia. Saw my own pictures and it was like damn fat! I can't believe I am so fat in the past. Its like I don't even regconise myself back then.
Me in langkawi 2004

Dont't try falling into it, you will regret
I know this is abit Kia Su, but I will Su if I don't Kia Su

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