Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Skipped school today, reason being sian 1/2. I may look ok from the outside but who knows how I feel inside? School has really become useless for me, like I mentioned in my other post 1 wk ago. School is just not my type.

Got real boring today at home, woke up early in the mourning trying to find some company in msn but they were all "away".

No choice but to download some movies over the net to watch. Vacancy was one of them and its quite boring. Watched Rush Hour 3 again and laugh to myself.

Lastly downloaded some shows from youtube, most of you probably know "Huan Huan Ai". Thought that is was a boring show at first but because you know.........then......

For my own convenience I transferred them over to my PSP so that I can watch while lying on my bed.

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