Went to school today, was very moody at first. Just when I entered school, Kiu suan me with "Wo Xiang Jia Ru Ni De Che Dui"(I wanna join your race team[in a can't bear to kind of tone]) if you have watched initial D you should know what I mean. When I heard this phrase I straight away laugh my ass off. He also added that my dad will be happy. Watch initial D and you will understand.
During recess, those sec 5 made fun of me by calling me a 'Singapore Frogman'(scuba diver). Frogman =.=

Found this in a bag of a 'Floor Washer' You should know what I mean
We called the 'Floor Washer' a christian
The game we played today is slightly different, we used to switch off the switch but today we used that tool as shown above to actually close the water tap which then made it impossible for the water jet to work coz there aint any water supply. LOL
As you can see we have that tool in our hand. So the chances of the 'Floor Washer' being able to open the water tap is almost impossible.
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