Saturday, August 25, 2007

To The Girl In Red
I really like you alot. To be honest I can't stop thinking of you for a second. Forgeting about you is impossible as all I can think of is you. While I sleep I dream of you, I go to school I think about you, I go diving I think about you, I go cycling I think about you. The only moment I can stop thinking about you is when I can see you.
But one thing you gotta know is that I am not joking about this. By doing this really pushed my courage to the limits. As I will be shot, bombed, stabbed, crushed, squeeced, tortured, raped, kicked, punched and many more. But for the sake of telling you, I don't mind the above mentioned consequences.
If you're the girl in red please check out the full story @ on 26/aug/07 before 6PM
(it will be password protected and the password is ur MapleStory password)

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