Sunday, November 9, 2008

Whahaha I got easy money today, I only worked 2 hours and I got 50bucks. Its a reward from my dad for succesfully deliver and pick up stuffs for him by driving his 14 ft lorry. My dad was worried at first coz of the length of the lorry but let me tell you its easier than driving any salon or SUVs. Firstly the lorry is flat at the front, it does not have a bonnet so it some how make turning easier to judge. The driver position on the lorry is oso much higher than any SUVs. And I just learned how to park it vertically hahas. You know my parking sux. Got home quickly and wash up. Drove my V6 to meet jj and mei mei gang. Drove to changi then stop at a street for some photo taking, then realise the car was dirty then we head on to a car washing station in bedok and the washing part was so dam funny la. lols. Sent mei mei and gang home b4 me, jj and jon head on back to changi to look for panzi and sylvia and was told to meet em at DTE carpark. We were like complaining bout the time coz we sure gonna be dere 30mins earlier than them. Cuz we are running on v6. But while waiting at the carpark we had a free show. Someone was drunk and riding a motorcycle WITHOUT A LICENSE. He was being violent with the TP and was handcuffed. Then more and more TP backup arrived. Soon after the show is over, panzi and sylvia arrived and we mount their bikes on our roof and head on to Mt. faber. I seriously dunnoe wad is wrong with myself, I am getting faster and faster each time i drive. I can't resist. After mt faber we went to haji lane for SHEESHA! hahahas. We park the car directly outside the shop and we brought the SHEESHA into the car to smoke. It was then 7am b4 we head back to PR for breakfast. Then the nightmare arrived, I was on TPE travelling above 100km/h and the whole car was like very light and flying cuz I am very tired. I fell asleep at a traffic light and was horned by others and it was dam paiseh can? And i burnt 60bucks of fuel but I like it, I love the sound of 6 cylinder engine. And I got 4 more hours of sleep b4 driving the lorry. And i better sleep enough, driving 14ft lorry without sufficient sleep is deadly HAHAS!

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