Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Woke up at around 4+ today, standard routine, drove the workers back to factory from work site. Rested for awhile before grabbing a spanner to repair my car. The bumper bracket below the car was bend. And when the steering was turned completely left or right the tire will rub the bracket. The 2 brackets has got 6 real long screws of like 6 inches long and i had to unscrew them slowly which takes about an hour or two. Real dam tired and my arm is so dam pain now. Met jj at expo b4 heading to airport to find my 2 daughters(dun anyhow call mama, lata i die) Then wan zi somehow got seperated with us then the 3 of us headed to haji lane(standard de) for sheesha(need i say?) Slack and smoke for awhile b4 heading back to PR to fetch wan zi and ms LR. Drove the van on the highway at 90-100km/h(i definitely break my own record) Went back at around 3am to sent jj, ms LR and my 2 daughters home. On my way back, jes called and asked if i wanna continue to slack and i suggested punggol end(thats the only place i can think of) Drove my van inside with my heart pumping dam fast, i was dam stress cuz i scared that the van would stuck. Not long after after a cig, we headed back to my office to change vehicle as someone wanna see my drive lorry. Drove the lorry to yishun dam to slack for awhile before going home.

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