Sunday, August 26, 2007

Err. Please don’t let this affect our years of friendship, but this is a risk I want to take…
I’ve wanted to confess something to you...
Umm. I’ve been admiring you since year ’04. I know I’ve never really expressed it out to you very openly or in an obvious manner, but I really like you. You’re probably the first girl I ever liked. You’re a very pretty and elegant girl, that’s why I’ve never really been able to bring this topic of liking you up. But I was afraid I might not get a chance to do so since I feel that you’ve been starting to avoid me a little. I’ve always loved your personality and everything about you. Since someone told me about you when I was in sec2, I started to like you, somehow it may sound weird, but it is true. You’d probably think that I’m being obsessed over you and stuff. But it’s just how I feel about you, and I felt that I have to express this feeling of 3 years out. Please don’t let this affect our friendship no matter how you react to this message.

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