Sunday, August 19, 2007

A Short Video Of Me In The Race

Woke up at 6am, washup, change clothes, loaded my bike on the car's roof. Head off to macdonalds to have my breakfast, drank the coffee I bought the night before. Reached tampines at around 7am. Got my name registered and slack around waiting for the race to start.

8am, the race started. People were riding as fast as they could and I am the only one taking my time. As I thought losing out abit at the start won't matter as there are more uphills & curves in the trail, I have to say the only part I can take advantage of is during uphill because of the light weight of my bike.

It all started well initially but things become worse later on on the trail. Though the trail is flat and straight, I still have difficulties riding as the sand is very loose & my tyres were not designed for the type of terrain.

I lose out alot on this 1km of loose sand when my speed was only 15-20km/h while others go as fast as 25km/h.

Entered the jungle area and all I can say is "LAP SAP"(dirty). The mud were very slippery and there are more corners in the jungle area and this has made cornering very difficult. Many people were slowed down in this area. I tried to overtake but I can't, the trail was too narrow.

After the jungle area there were still about 2km of uphills/downhills/corners before reaching the start/finish point. During that moment all that I can hear is "overtaking from the left" "over taking from the right" I am really exhausted at this point of time. The worse part is theres this someone who said "boy, you gotta learn to let the faster rider go first". First thing that come into my mind was "What The Fuck?" I know I am slow and blocking him. But blocking is part of the game.

At 9.40am or 1hr 40mins since the race started, others had already completed 5/6 laps while I only complete 3/6 laps. And here is the most #$%^&*()_ part of all

"619, Team WAAQ Out ! You're done.....too slow"

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