Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Finished work at around 6pm.
Headed home to change and drove all the way down to suntec to meet pehchen.
Was speeding at 120km/h along CTE after I realise that she was already there waiting. So sorry and guilty to make her wait for me. So we met and had dinner at BK. Talked bout those "headlights" thingy LOL!
Then can't think of anywhere to go, so i suggested to go rounding and the first stop was Marina Barrage then to Mt faber then was trying to find 'henderson waves' as i heard it was somewhere near mt faber but it was nowhere to be seen and i duno the exact name of it to be entered in my GPS so i dropped the idea, touched and go at labrador park and the last stop was a short off-road ride at punggol end. It was quite late at that time and she got sch the nxt mourning so I sent her home.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

I am starting to get uncomfortable with some friends I hang out with. I got a feeling of being very fucking extra cuz I seldom hang out with them. I was like keep thinking, why was I even there? Was I even suppose to be there? Will I be there when I was playing maplestory months ago? Will someone even called me to be there when I was happy ks-ing somebody in maplestory? And I don't know why, the regulars(those that keep calling me out in the pass) didn't call me anymore. And when I join the non-regulars at anywhere, the first thing they ask was very direct just like in maplestory they asked "does you dragon knight have hyperbody?" and the answer was yes and that was why I am even in the party. Ok, now i shall use maple to describe things so as to make it less offensive. Then back to the point, will i even be called into a sotong party when I was not even a level 106 dragon knight? Will I be called in when i was at a lower level?

Monday, December 15, 2008

I know i got no chance. I know there are someone out there who is more good looking, richer, bigger car, bigger house. Well, i can only say i regret digging on hard concrete with a shovel.
I Hate 'Package'
Dont know if you guys experienced this, when you try to call a girl out for a date they always tend to call some people along or asked why not call this call that. And imagine if you said no to calling this and that will she still wanna go out with you? lols!
oh fuck i am dam broke man! ! ! All thanks to the blood sucking SUV which burn S$1.50 every 5km. I swear I aint gonna drive it anymore unless only for myself(meaning no picking up or dropping anyone) or for ferrying my gf(if i have) around. And this broke thingy is gonna carry on for another week or so. Which also means I gonna suffer another 1 week. You never know how it feels for being broke. People look at you with another type of "face".
I don't know if this sounds familiar.
I will always place you first.
I will never accept defeat.
I will never quit.
I will never leave you behind.
I Will always be there for you.
But anyway, hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

nonsense man! today's event at gotham penthouse is complete crap. I envy those guys who bring their gf along wif them to club to dance tgt. It just looks so different, but i dunnoe whether it feels different. But the answer is quite obvious i guess. But that was not all, those girls were as hot as a ferrari.

In a few hours time i am gonna get all my SUV's tires changed. The tires were badly damage that when rolling it causes the steering to vibrate violently. And if i have the time, i might get the CD player changed too.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Woke up at around 4+ today, standard routine, drove the workers back to factory from work site. Rested for awhile before grabbing a spanner to repair my car. The bumper bracket below the car was bend. And when the steering was turned completely left or right the tire will rub the bracket. The 2 brackets has got 6 real long screws of like 6 inches long and i had to unscrew them slowly which takes about an hour or two. Real dam tired and my arm is so dam pain now. Met jj at expo b4 heading to airport to find my 2 daughters(dun anyhow call mama, lata i die) Then wan zi somehow got seperated with us then the 3 of us headed to haji lane(standard de) for sheesha(need i say?) Slack and smoke for awhile b4 heading back to PR to fetch wan zi and ms LR. Drove the van on the highway at 90-100km/h(i definitely break my own record) Went back at around 3am to sent jj, ms LR and my 2 daughters home. On my way back, jes called and asked if i wanna continue to slack and i suggested punggol end(thats the only place i can think of) Drove my van inside with my heart pumping dam fast, i was dam stress cuz i scared that the van would stuck. Not long after after a cig, we headed back to my office to change vehicle as someone wanna see my drive lorry. Drove the lorry to yishun dam to slack for awhile before going home.
Used to gave u a nickname called lamborghini back then, cuz u r really beautiful. But i still think you're like a landrover to me. Sometimes i imagine that when 1 day i have a lamborghini what will i do with it. The first thing i will do is to drive it to orchard to show off and let the whole world knows that i drive a lamborghini. But if i have a landrover i will not drive it around to show off at least. I got no idea why i like that SUV so much but believe me, the landrover have a look that no other cars have. But that is a car that i never dreamt that i will even have a chance to drive it. I just wish that i have it. A 279k car to me is impossible. When i am on the road and i saw someone driving it i am real fucking jealous. But what can i do? Can only hear its V8 engine driving pass me.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Whahaha I got easy money today, I only worked 2 hours and I got 50bucks. Its a reward from my dad for succesfully deliver and pick up stuffs for him by driving his 14 ft lorry. My dad was worried at first coz of the length of the lorry but let me tell you its easier than driving any salon or SUVs. Firstly the lorry is flat at the front, it does not have a bonnet so it some how make turning easier to judge. The driver position on the lorry is oso much higher than any SUVs. And I just learned how to park it vertically hahas. You know my parking sux. Got home quickly and wash up. Drove my V6 to meet jj and mei mei gang. Drove to changi then stop at a street for some photo taking, then realise the car was dirty then we head on to a car washing station in bedok and the washing part was so dam funny la. lols. Sent mei mei and gang home b4 me, jj and jon head on back to changi to look for panzi and sylvia and was told to meet em at DTE carpark. We were like complaining bout the time coz we sure gonna be dere 30mins earlier than them. Cuz we are running on v6. But while waiting at the carpark we had a free show. Someone was drunk and riding a motorcycle WITHOUT A LICENSE. He was being violent with the TP and was handcuffed. Then more and more TP backup arrived. Soon after the show is over, panzi and sylvia arrived and we mount their bikes on our roof and head on to Mt. faber. I seriously dunnoe wad is wrong with myself, I am getting faster and faster each time i drive. I can't resist. After mt faber we went to haji lane for SHEESHA! hahahas. We park the car directly outside the shop and we brought the SHEESHA into the car to smoke. It was then 7am b4 we head back to PR for breakfast. Then the nightmare arrived, I was on TPE travelling above 100km/h and the whole car was like very light and flying cuz I am very tired. I fell asleep at a traffic light and was horned by others and it was dam paiseh can? And i burnt 60bucks of fuel but I like it, I love the sound of 6 cylinder engine. And I got 4 more hours of sleep b4 driving the lorry. And i better sleep enough, driving 14ft lorry without sufficient sleep is deadly HAHAS!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Parking Lot number 272! hahahas
Nothing much today except the usual procedure, drive + smoke. Went immediatly to suntec after work to hunt for my red rose(as shown in the pic) and fortunately i got it. Drove all the way down to tamp to meet wif jj. Talk cock + smoke. Went to his friend's chalet and was told that there were many pretty looking girls, but it seems like there issn't any of them. A round of initial D and Maximum Tune @ Ehub arcade b4 heading of to far east to pick up a real dam chio babe. Didn't have much time to hang out with her, quite disappointed though hahas. Talk cock for another while b4 heading back home. Reached home at around 12.30am and was like too fucking early, so I gave yc a call and they happen to be at a pub at golden mile. Seems like they are having a great time inside and I missed it cuz by the time i reached they already change location to geylang(I never do anything there). Slack there for awhile then head home, those grp of people are really funny and I like them alot cuz only this kinda ppl can cheer me up. Then I was taught some skills by some clubbing expert to pick up girls at a club. And it seems like a car can really do alot of things. Thats according to him and I have not tried it out before. But I will try one day.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Fucking hell, the worst sheesha night i had ytd! Sorry to use the word, but I am a really like a fool being played around by others. And I am very fucking unhappy about it. I was like keep kena kp by people, but I take it as a joke so I shut up. Then when I was away at the fucking washroom some heros gossip about me. I am sure you know what the fuck I talk about, unless you really wan me to give the details. Then like everything become my problem. To the listener of the gossip, I never asked anyone to do that kinda thing for me. I very AUTOMATIC wan, some things wun work I wun bother to even try one. And even if I try which fucker will wanna give me chance to? It takes two hands to clap. Got car no key oso cannot start engine. Can start no license oso cannot drive. Now the situation is got car + got license, only dun have key. And that is not my problem alrdy coz i alrdy done my part.

Full details will be reviewed to close friends only.
I demand an apology for "girl chase guy = easy, guy chase gal = diff"

Thursday, October 30, 2008

hahaha! So its my first time to club today. Thanks ZHANG for telling me about it. So as usual picked up all my buddies drove to maxwell market parked there, displayed a fake coupon. And the girls in the club is really omg, way to beautiful. Was asked by friend to dance with them but I was shy LOL, first time ma boh pian. After a few more times once I get used to it then I think thats the time I can really enjoy to the max. Met 3 friends at the club, they are really funny people. They claim that they were 15, but seriously they don't look like. Left the club at around 1am closing to 2am. Was too tired and bored, there were like too little girls so its kinda bored. Slack at maxwell market for awhile till we pick up ZHANG and her gang. And again the roadblock fear is back, there was like 8 people in the car including me. And that was illegal coz my car can only take up to a maximum of 7. Drove to changi village for supper. was travelling at around 100lm/h - 110km/h that was abit fast for me. I was like all along below 80km/h. I have to admit after the club i'm abit high LOL. After dropping the pasir ris gang off. I then head on to seletar to drop alvin(korean dude I know from the club) off then things start to happen there, it started to rain a lil and the winds start blowing, the roads were empty and dark, leafs flying around and i think i ran over a dead bird. Then slyvia(a girl i know from the club too) lols started saying those eerie stuffs. Then was like abit scared la. Then we took a hard time going out to the main road from the korean dude's house. After awhile still manage to reach ang mo kio. Was quite familar with ang mo kio cuz i learnt driving there. Then slyvia said street 61 then was like very familar oso(one of the SSDC test route) but i dun dare cfm so better listen to her instructions, and she was like instructing a TAXI DRIVER. lol. After i drop em off it started to rain again, was like driving 50km/h until i reach home. sian 1/2. Afterall is fun la. Talk cock sing song.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

omg man, I discovered a new world today. Going to pub areas during the wee hours is fun man! Freeshows everywhere. People get drunk and do many funny things. Encountered 1 today when a girl was drunk and she lying on the ground. Whats more? she is wearing a skirt. Need I say more? LOL. Well that invite hell lots of spectators. And I found myself a clubbing kaki :D. Most Importantly, make new friends. Nothing much except some sheesha at haji lane and 100km/h on expressway. There were like so many babes around usually around 8pm to 10pm. coz dey needa go home early if not cab is gonna cost a bomb. *****<<<>>>>***** hahahahahahahas. Happy sia. Nxt up i am gonna go clubbing! And go around "treating drinks". Are girls really so open in clubs?

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Have already got my driving license, have already got a car, but theres still something missing. And thats the special you.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Saturday, September 20, 2008

9 More damn days to my FORTH attempt TP test.

Despite driving around for so many times from place to place. I still have some phobia on ang mo kio roads for as I failed 3 times there. I really do hope this time round I won't be so nervous and do stupid things on my test. Its like damn lame to fail this time, I've been driving both big car(SUV) and Van(manual) to many places. Places where road conditions are 4273726372 times more severe than ang mo kio roads. I used to think that time may affect my test but now I aint gonna care anymore. I have been driving on expressway during peak hours. I used to fear alot on lane changing. But now...............LOL issn't that ABC?

I hereby declare myself ---> more than "L" plate but less than "P" plate. AND I GONNA PASS THIS TIME.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

I Want A Garage With The Two Vehicles Below.
One For Extreme Racing & One For Extreme Off-Road.
Both Without Roof. Smoker Friendly.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Whose fault is it? The one who talk like a fuck or the one who can't take the one who talk like fuck? I know I have been giving attitude, but what makes me do so? The forcing makes me do so. I understand that I did have some conflicts at home which makes me half boiled already. Coz of that I didn't plan to go down to office. Initially I planned to go cycling along east coast to sort of 'de-stress' but a phone call changed everything. So I was carrying the "forced to go down office" kind of mindset and you still talk to me with that kind of "attitude", you know it yourself. No one in my whole life talked to me like that. I can swear. Whats more? I apologised after that and get no reply. Like WTF?! And someone still expect me to go down to office. LOLS. I don't know I should let this matter rest or what. Its like you're indirectly declaring a war with me already.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

The longer you drag things, the longer you are not going to move on.. Sometimes its not that things are difficult so we don't dare, its coz we don't dare that's why its difficult.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Ok, I made up my mind, I quit. Everyday I go there with a positive mind and someone out there will always screw me up, somehow someway. Sometimes I think about it and I get really pissed off. I was like whats the point of going? I got a feeling everyone there will somehow look down on me. This world is very materialistic, No Position No Talk. Similar with No Money No Talk. When I say this out, people will always deny. Some people just don't appreciate me going down, they thought that is because I owe them, then they will start to lecture me and stuffs. Like WTF? Lecture me?! Things I heard during the "interview" and "training" were SO VERY DIFFERENT from what is actually happening. Quitters Are Not Winners, Winners Are Not Quitters??!! Is this even a competition? Why is there about winning and losing? Everyday, were asked to make appointment with parents and relative. Reason being is to"Create Awareness" & "benefit" them. LMFAO ! ! ! If that is the case can I say "I buy flowers for her on valentines day coz is to let her know that I love her" then its like "don't I wish she will be mine?" You get what I mean? Something like that. I can't really explain well but I hope you will understand. So, fuck it yea? I aint going no more.

Friday, July 11, 2008



Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Send some friends off today at changi airport.

And some fucking things happened. Someone have been staring at me, I don't know for what fucking reason it is and I don't want to mention names, you know who you are. I suggest you go do some research on www.anqiiwarrior.com . Maybe that will help you to not stare at me in future. However, if that doesn't helps you can always approach me and clarify things. I will answer all you questions friendly. But if you insist on staring at me I will take it as an indirect attack on me and I won't hesitate to defend. I don't know what is going on in your mind, I don't even know you and I didn't even talked to you before but why are you staring at me? Or is it I am sensitive? For the only reason I can think of is that you are worried about me posing a threat to the security of you territory. But fear not, your territory is DEFINITELY not anqiiwarrior's cup of tea and he WON'T even bother to invade your territory.

Monday, June 16, 2008

For mature readers only

Believe it or not, you are everywhere to me.

Whenever my mind is idle theres always 1 person who appear in my idling mind and thats you. I believe there's something wrong with me. I don't see you everytime but how on earth did I keep thinking of you? 1 out of 5 days in my sleep I dreamt of you. And its half because of you whom make me keep going on. I failed my driving test a week ago and, reason for failing I don't wish to say coz tt fucker is bias against me. When I was taking the bus from the driving centre back home I was like "fuck it man, I aint gonna go for the test again" then when you came across my mind, things changed. It soon become "fuck it? How am I gonna take you for a ride if I give up my license just like that?"

Don't stop me from loving you, even if you kill me and when I go to hell I will still keep loving you. So don't bother.

ps: if you wanna noe who is it, she will be the first to be the one whom I'll take her for ride upon passing my driving test(s)

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

interesting topic, if childish please don't bother clicking. Thanks


And that is Singapore!

Friday, May 30, 2008

10 more days to TP

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

wee woo wee! FTT pass lo!!!! hahas!

Going for another 2 practical lessons tml on 8:15am & 8.10pm and i can book for my TP alrdy, hopefully theres a test date in june. Trust me man, out of the 3 test, the basic theory test, final theory test and the practical test, i can feel that the practical test is the most easy of all coz theory test not all questions were the same everytime, but practical everything you are tested on is the same no matter how many times u go. Only thing which can make you fail is someone on the road screwing you up. Example like cyclist and taxis.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

i wanna join that guild man!

Friday, May 16, 2008

Suffered day & night for that cape!

*shake head* went for FTT revision class today and I realise I made alot of mistake on my FTT last week lols.

Walau eh i rilli cannot w8 for my test date can? I wanna quickly get the fucking license so that I can drive to m'sia can? Its goin to be fun driving long distances can?

Monday, May 12, 2008

The Osmium Armor which I have been waiting for !
Fucking sian! Failed my FTT, and I don't even know why. Next test is on 27th May and I aint gonna study for it anymore, simply lost motivation just like my 'N' level last year. No point suffering for it, its just a jeep i am driving, its not like a ferrari or lamboghini.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Smoke smoke smoke!

I realise I havent been riding my bike for almost 6 months already? And I know that I am getting fatter and fatter each day, especially when macdonalds can be ordered online. Its like I am tempted to order macdonalds every night when I am hungry.

And my Final Theory Test is coming in 2 days time. If it is successful, I can probably drive by late May or June already depending on the test dates.
Fucking phone giving problems again!

lol. I remembered exactly one year ago nokia N95 just launched and I talked about it on how good it is bla bla bla. Then one year later I complain that this no good that no good. But seriously really no good liao, the fucking slider is not as smooth anymore. And now there's no good phone to change to except waiting nokia to launch its new N96 which I don't know when it will come.

Monday, April 28, 2008

10 more days to my Final Theory Test. And by that time I would have finished all my pratical lessons. Which means after 8 May I can book for my pratical test(last test before license is granted) if I am lucky enough to have a pratical test date which falls on 9 May, and if i pass, I can drive immediatly after I passed on 9 May.

Even if i passed, it was not over yet. Next up is the process of getting the car which I wanted for like 4 years already.

And off course I hope 1 day I will be able to drive you along the coast of m'sia while the sunsets with the rooftop off. Stop at beach with the windshield down to enjoy the cooling wind.

Spend a night at the water chalets in port dickson before heading back to sg.

and for like 24 hours its gonna be like heaven.


Sunday, April 27, 2008

I had a nightmare last night, and it was a real bad one.

I dreamt that you were gone, I won't explain in details but simply just gone. Was like 6am in the morning and I was like crying?(no joke, seriously, if you were me you will understand, its real scary) talk to me in msn if you are interested bout it. For the next 30mins I can't get back to sleep. I went to my balcony to smoke, and at the same time I keep thinking bout the nightmare, I was like thinking if its real, will it be too late?

Sometimes I am wondering, don't you even know that someone is actually secretly in love with you though he never show any actions or tell you? That is coz he wanna bypass the process of saying the 3 words which every guy say to their loved one and then cheat them days later.

I know by saying you won't be able to feel. But I do really hope one day you will understand.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Question: Are girls cruel?

Answer: NO!
Think about it, if you didn't really love a girl, will she have a chance of being cruel to you? Then think again, if you didn't really love her, who is being cruel?
You never know who I love, coz only a fortune teller can tell who I love and I doubt you are one.

Monday, April 21, 2008

In feb 2004,

My CPU(brain) got infected with a virus named W32.L@C.Worm . Once infected, theres no way of removal. Till now my CPU is still infected with this virus. It is most active when my CPU is in idle mode, when I am sleeping. This virus sometime turns my CPU into "obsession mode". When this mode is activated, it sucks all of my system RAM making it impossible to perform other task. I hope 1 day some kind of Anti Virus program could remove this virus for me.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Driving today was fun except it got screwed abit by some inconsiderate taxi drivers. I know by look at this situation as a passenger, I HOPE THE TAXI STOP FOR ME. But by looking at this situation with me as a driver behind the taxi, I HOPE HE DON"T FUCKING STOP TO PICK UP THE PASSENGER. Because by doing so, my way is blocked and I have to overtake him from the right and the traffic at that time was quite heavy. Every second counts during my driving lesson. 120 mins for 88 bucks. And I just completed subject 14/33 today, was very happy at first coz after subject 14 I get to have a lesson on Automatic Transmission Car which is 101% fun for me, coz I simply hate changing gear and depressing the clutch(on a manual car). Just as I was about to smile, the instructor told me that booking for an Automatic Transmission lesson was not that easy coz its always full. Shortest waiting time is 40 days, like WTF?! By as I reached home, I refresh the booking page online countless times just like getting into a full Maplestory Channel. 15mins later I got a slot on 21st April which is this coming monday. Was like "wow!" from 40days become 3 days? mc strike 4D.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Passed Basic Theory Test With 50/50
Next Up Final Theory Test On 8/5/08
Then Pratical Test
And Bye Bye To Taxi, Bus & Mrt!
No more stucking at orchard road at 3am again, no more late coming during meetups. And I am no longer a student. So the price I pay for bus and mrt is the same as adult, so you can imagine the price.....tsk tsk tsk.

Friday, April 4, 2008

How long can I last?

Sometimes I really bth with certain things.

Guard of hell please bring me along with you.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

I know no matter what I do or what I say also won't help much in showing how much I love you. So I shall wait, I believe the longer I wait the more it shows that I truly love you, I have already waited for so long and a little while more won't make a difference, so I shall wait. Till one day you feel it.

And by the way, here's a message to everyone,

The harder you life shows how strong you are, since its hard fuck till it become soft, and when you can do so you will feel contented. But if its hard and you don't fuck it, it will forever be hard.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Believe it or not, I can't forget her. I asked my friends for advise and they say that loving her has become a habit. A habit that I have been having for years and it will take years to kick this bad habit off. Even when stopping at the traffic light during my driving lessons I can think of her. I know that if I continue going for her now is not a wise choice, chances of succeding is still very very low as it is only a one - sided love. While playing counterstrike the other day online, I was then a sniper of the team and they told me something which I think it has a point. They told me "shoot when the target is there, don't wait till its gone then you shoot, by then its useless already" I replied "what if I miss?" and they said "when the time is right, you won't miss"

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Step 1 of 3 on 9th April 2008

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

heh heh heh from level 14 to 30 in 1 day

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

anQiiWarrior(2008) of CabalSEA
Details will be added to official site soon.
Found this new game a week ago, a game which doesn't require much of killing monster leveling etc. But its more on quest, exp from quest is quite high also which make my life easier. Btw its a Force Shielder, high def, high endurance bla bla bla. Quite a nice game though. Check it out at www.cabalsea.com

Saturday, March 8, 2008


aiya.....i don't know what to say la

Check out this red piece of crap, the HD3850 graphic card. Fucking hell cost over 400 bucks. Theres something very starge about those things or whatever that has a link with the color red, either its very hard to find, hard to get, VERY expensive. But it doesn't really matter so long I can play my game smoothly, its fine.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Sometimes I wish I am someone you don't know coz you never know how much I love you!

Monday, March 3, 2008

walau eh i wan take wif her de can?

72 Style

Penguin Style

LP Style(Cameron Highland Version)

Bee Style (Bee Farm Version)

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

"Suicide" is a valid cause of death. Basically all humans are thought to possess the possibility to commit suicide. It is, therefore, not something "unbelievable to think of" .Whether the cause of the individual's death is either a suicide or accident, If the death leads to the death of more than the intended, the person will simply die of a heart attack. This is to ensure that other lives are not influenced. (From Death Note)

Friday, February 22, 2008

Sometimes I'm just wondering why did thing turns out this way? The girl I once loved has now become the person I hate.

Monday, February 18, 2008

omg! I Love This Babe In Red

Saturday, February 16, 2008

I still remember 2 years ago how I envy those high level maplers being able to own the whole map at just level 30-40 while my warrior was like a pathetic sheit begging around for maps to train on. But on the day my dragon roar reach level 30, things changed.

The same thing happens here, I envy those couples being able to have fun on valentine's day while I was like a fucking loner staying at home. As time passes this year, the "dragon roar" will be on again. The day when dragon roar reach level 30 is when the day I got my jeep. And it will then be my turn to return the favour. Coz I will be driving it around like how my dragon knight walked from 1 place to another. And then people will go around "wow, dragon knight, dragon roar leh!"

I know this sound abit impossible, like hw people thought I will have level 30 dragon roar.

Just wait and see.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Happy Valentines Day!
26 Roses = You are as good as a factory of jeeps to me(need I explain more?)

Monday, February 11, 2008

Yeah yeah yeah! 18 days more before I can start learning how to drive, and once I have learnt how to drive, the car shown above will be mine and I can drive it to roam the whole of malaysia. There's just too many beautiful places in malaysia. I just love the natural environment in malaysia and the rough terrain. The more rough the terrain is, the more useful the above shown car is useful. AND EVER SINCE I LEF CAMERON HIGHLANDS ON 25th MAY 2007 I HAVE ALWAYS WANTED TO GO THERE AGAIN. AND HOW I WISH I HAD A GF AND I WOULD DRIVE THERE ON VALENTINES DAY! Only then 999 roses is possible. Then I can visit the bee farm again and joke about bees MYSELF like a crazy guy. Then on my way back I can visit KFC "EXPRESS" for a meal. Then I can head towards Port Dickson where resorts are build on water, and I can flood the room with roses and spend the night there. Well this are all my planning for 2009 valentines day coz valentines day on 2008 is seriously FUCKED up.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

If you guys out there still treat me as a friend pls apologize to her(you know who). Since now there's alrdy a proven SBCF. The tag box is always there for apologies. Whether people accept your apology or not doesn't matter but AT LEAST apologize, its not too late to apologize.
Please be my valentine date

Monday, February 4, 2008

omg man! All of a sudden out of nowhere I miss maple alot, but there's a problem, my dk is declared dead since 2007. Anyone can suggest any idea? lols


Sunday, February 3, 2008

Once A Warrior Always A Warrior

Friday, February 1, 2008

The Underwater Kiss

Have your partner hold his/her breath underwater in a pool and when he or she taps you, it is a signal to give them air. High difficulty, require much practice.

LOL this was part of a Rescue Diver Course.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

I am warning that motherfucking motorcyclist who point middle finger at me just now, don't let me see you again in anywhere and to be safe don't let me know where you park your bike and where you stay, you never know what I am going to do especially after I got my driving license, your bike may be crushed under the bull bar of my jeep or it may be whack by my hammer. So please disappear.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Taken at jon's place by the very professional cameramen ---> Chey Yang

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Thursday, January 10, 2008


Monday, January 7, 2008

OMG! she was so damn cute!